Go Fund Me Giving Tuesday Campaign
I have this Vision & Mission of creating a Healing Center for the Bend Health Guide that brings our Community together for true connections, healing, growth and collaboration. I want to create a healing space where our community can come together to hold classes, workshops, network and have a true Spa & Healing treatment rooms, too.
There is a silver lining to this awful 2020 year, as many businesses won’t make it, office buildings are coming on the market in droves! I have found one particular space that is perfect & affordable…
There is a silver lining to this awful 2020 year, as many businesses won’t make it, office buildings are coming on the market in droves! I have found one particular space that is perfect & affordable…
The time is now to secure a building that we can use for a Community Healing Space for years to come! I am currently getting my Real Estate License with high hopes of finding a building to purchase for our Bend Health Group. When your support our Fundraiser, you are supporting 100s of Health Providers and local, small businesses in Bend who will benefit from having a space to offer their services, to reach customers with pop ups to sell their products.
As we go on with this Fundraiser, we will be offering some very exciting PRIZES that will come with your Donations, so stay tuned!!!
Our focus at Bend Health Guide is Collaboration & we love to collaborate in WIN WIN ways with Bend Local, Small Businesses because we are all stronger TOGETHER!
I have heard from countless health providers about the rise in costs for treatment spaces and there is a real, Community NEED to have a space with fair rents to practice in. It is my aim to bring this Health Center alive to be able to offer affordable Healing Spaces to health practitioners as a collective.So Join our Community with a Donation today and help us help healers in Bend! All Donations of $100 or more will receive a FREE LISTING of your business or product in our SPRING Health Guide!!!
Thank you for your continued support of our mission of creating a Healthy Community!!!
As we go on with this Fundraiser, we will be offering some very exciting PRIZES that will come with your Donations, so stay tuned!!!
Our focus at Bend Health Guide is Collaboration & we love to collaborate in WIN WIN ways with Bend Local, Small Businesses because we are all stronger TOGETHER!
I have heard from countless health providers about the rise in costs for treatment spaces and there is a real, Community NEED to have a space with fair rents to practice in. It is my aim to bring this Health Center alive to be able to offer affordable Healing Spaces to health practitioners as a collective.So Join our Community with a Donation today and help us help healers in Bend! All Donations of $100 or more will receive a FREE LISTING of your business or product in our SPRING Health Guide!!!
Thank you for your continued support of our mission of creating a Healthy Community!!!
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