Image is a healthy White Blood Cell & I have added Distance Reiki for Immunity to this image for your healing!
Order these Thorne Supplements to support your Immunity during the current Covid surge happening in Bend right now.These are my FAVE Immunity Supplements for fighting all viruses. Use your intuition to know what is right for you. Seek help from a trained medical professional. You can find many health providers and clinics in our Bend Health Guide ONLINE Directory! My favorite Teacher Dr. Bill Mitchell, Naturopath founded Bastyr University, he always recommended Thorne as the best brand. When they did research at Bastyr, Thorne Supplements were by far the most effective!
Order THORNE VITAMINS here, CLICK on the BLUE Titles for LINKS to all PRODUCTS!

Years ago I had Pneumonia that caused lasting asthma.
I discovered NAC to support my lungs. This is a miracle supplement for anyone suffering from respiratory issues.A potent antioxidant that supports comprehensive wellness, including lung, liver, kidney and immune function.* NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) is an amino acid that increases glutathione levels, which supports respiratory health and detoxification in the liver and kidneys.
Multi-Vitamin Elite’s AM and PM formulas are designed to support optimal performance.
The AM formula promotes energy production, while the PM formula helps you wind down to sleep better.
You can go down a whole rabbit hole online about how Melatonin is showing great promise in reducing the severity of Covid Symptoms. For me, it was purely instinct that I wanted Melatonin & then I researched it online afterwards to learn that there have been positive results in studies. Melaton-5 supports restful sleep, helps balance circadian rhythms and supports the body when under stress. Covid is definitely stressful!
Studies are showing that Comorbidity-associated glutamine deficiency is a predisposition to severe COVID-19. L-Glutamine reduces inflammation in your body. Helps with muscle cell strength. Promotes gastrointestinal and immune system health. L-glutamine is an amino acid that supports a healthy intestinal lining and immune function. It assists in healing after injury, sickness or surgery and in cellular repair.
This is especially for those of you who are Menopause age or older, this is actually a Menopause Support Vitamin…
PycnogenolⓇ is being studying right now in treatment of Covid 19. It shows significant results in decreasing the length of recovery time. It has been shown to prevent Covid Long Hauler Symptoms. Since Covid shows greater risk to anyone over 50 years age, this is a great supplement to support your body if you are older, like me.
PycnogenolⓇ may be beneficial in supporting recovery and mitigating symptoms and long-term consequences resulting from a SARS-CoV2 infection in COVID-19 patients. It comes from the bark of a European pine tree. It is thought to be an elixir of life, used in anti aging formulas.
Omega-3 supplementation significantly improved respiratory and renal function in critically ill patients with COVID-19. An optimal blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids promotes cardiovascular, skin, joint, and brain health* Omega Plus combines the heart, brain, and joint health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish in a balanced ratio, with bone, skin, and respiratory health-supporting GLA from borage oil*

CBD Lozenges from KINE
Take 30% OFF with the Promo Code BHG30 at their Website:
Oregon State University just released their study finding that CBD does prevent Covid from reaching the body’s cells.
Check out the whole story here:
It’s best if you take CBD regularly BEFORE you are sick, but if you do get a virus, CBD lozenges can take away body pains and soothe a sore throat.
I highly recommend RED HOT the cinnamon CBD Lozenge is my fave. There is absolutely no THC, you are not going to get “high” from these lozenges, I promise!
Ravensara oil is like Eucalyptus times infinity. Aromatherapists know how powerful this oil is. When Covid first started in March of 2020, Ravensara immediately sold out everywhere. It was impossible to get until February 2021, then I stocked up! Ravensara diffused in a home can kill viruses, bacteria, germs. It lessens the viral load, prevents respiratory illness, supports the lungs, reduces pain, decreases headache, it does ALL the things you want an essential oil to do when you are sick!
Tulsi oil by Floracopeia has been my go to mouthwash to kill germs and viruses that can hang around your mouth. It’s also very nice when you have to wear a mask, like at work, so your breath smells better to yourself!
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